Saturday, September 15, 2007

Happy Birthday, Susan

So I want to start out this post by wishing my sister Susan a Happy Birthday. Or what should have been her happy birthday. Somewhere in between mile 6 and 7 of today's 12 mile run, I realized it really kind of sucks that I was out running 12 miles in the pouring rain in memory of my sister instead of spending the day with her...or calling her...or even just trying to figure out what I should get her for a birthday present. That made what I am doing that much more real to me.

I do want to clarify something so that people who do not know my family history well can understand something I wrote in my first entry back in July. On July 7th, I did out live my sister. What I meant was on that day, I was the same age Susan was on the day she died in 1999...exactly 23 years, 6 months, and 1 day. The date and that moment were meaningful to me because I still remember very clearly the day many years ago that Susan told me that she had outlived Teresa. It was something that stuck with me. Having my training coincide with that "milestone" has made the training much more poignant for me.

Training Update...

I made it through another week. Today's run was the first on I have done in the rain. Of course, it was perfectly sunny only a few hours later. But the experience of running in the rain was overall a good one. I find that my long days really allow me to clear my head of the so-called "important things" like my thesis, my classes, and work, and instead think about the truly important things- how amazing my family and friends are, how good it feels to be out running, and often the strong memories of my sisters. (If any of my thesis committee reads this--I do think my thesis is important. But you know what I mean.)

I really want to thank everyone's kind notes I've received since sending out my mass emails earlier this week. Through both my training and the recent publishing of "The Stones Applaud" written by Teresa, I have witnessed just how amazing the people who both me and my family have had the opportunity to come in contact with. I really appreciate everyone's support. Thank you.

And for now...64 days til the Marathon.

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