Sunday, November 29, 2009

Want to Join Team Race Against CF?

Dear Family & Friends,

Feel like going for a run or walk? Come join us!

As you probably know by now, Liz lost her two sisters to Cystic Fibrosis. Annually, the Mullin Family has been involved with the Lehigh Valley Tennis Auction Ball which raises money for the Northeast Pennsylvania Chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. In 2007, Liz raised $185 dollars for CF by auctioning off the sponsorship of her race shirt for the Lehigh Valley Half Marathon.

This year we're looking to up the ante. Liz will be leading a team of runners/walkers for the Half Marathon, and Lauren will be leading a 5k team. By auctioning off the race shirt sponsorship for teams of runners/walkers in each race, we believe we can raise even more money to fight CF. We're writing to recruit you to join one of our teams.

Both races are on April 25th. As a team member we'll offer you lodging at the Mullin house, a pasta dinner the night before the race, and a tech-wick race shirt with a logo from the winning bidder. We are only asking that you pay for your registration fee ($55-60 for the half marathon and $35 for the 5K). The race goes through the beautiful Lehigh Valley Parkway, runs through a covered bridge, and finishes with a 600 meter run around the track at J. Birney Crum Stadium. This is a fun, relatively flat course which boasts 13 live musical performances along the route. Racers receive a finisher's medal, and either a technical t-shirt (5K) or an embroidered fleece vest (half marathon). This is a very popular race and will likely sell-out by mid/late January. We hope you decide you take advantage of the fun atmosphere and help us raise money to fight CF!

To register for the race, or get more information, please visit Please also reply to this email if you'd like to participate so we can order the correct number of shirts.

Thanks for your support,
Liz & Lauren

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