Sunday, January 25, 2009

Random Memories

Yesterday, I was surprised by the random memories triggered of my sisters. I thought I'd share a few. 

Rocky - Okay, Rocky is like my favorite movie EVER. The greatest underdog story ever written featuring a lefty from Philadelphia, has been a Mullin Family must-see all my life. We used to watch it every single New Year. I once watched 4 out of the 5 movies with Susan in 1 day. (I actually finished the 5 sometime in the middle of the night, but she had already fallen asleep.) 

Miss America - I remember sitting and watching Miss America with Susan when I was younger. We would write down our favorite contestants after each "event," cheering our favorites states to the finish. While I spent most of the time mercilessly mocking last night's competition, I was still smiling a little with that childhood memory. 

The U.S. Figure Skating Finals - Following the Miss America Competition, Lauren and I watched Figure Skating. Again, I fell back into the many hours watching Olympic and National competitions in ice skating with Susan. I would put on my slipperiest socks and twirl on the wooden floor. Alyssa Cizney, coached by Brian Boitano  (a favorite of ours), took gold despite a fall in the free skate. Another smile.  

Thank you so much, everyone who has been able to participate in my "One in One Hundred" campaign. We're fighting a good fight. 

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