Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Running (or not) in the Snow

I'm currently scheduled to run the Shamrock Marathon in Va. Beach in 81 days. I thought this race was a great idea. Susan lived in Virgina Beach for a while after college and I spent multiple weeks down there with her over the summers. I have a niece and nephew in Virgina that I can visit the week preceeding the event because it's my spring break. This all made a lot of sense to me. 

I did not, however, consider the part where I live in Mass. and training all winter will be a necessity. Shoot. training hasn't been entirely thrown off course, but pretty close. I threw my normal, carefully crafted excel sheet out the window and learned to improvise. (Improvising a scheduling isn't exactly a strong suit for me - so  I'm doing the best I can.) Here's the plan - if it's not snowing - RUN. If it is snowing - well - that's when it gets tricky.

When I started this whole running thing, I said I wouldn't let the weather get to me. I didn't want to wimp out on a running simple because it's raining. But this - this is too much. I am a crazy runner. I do show signs of withdrawal is I got more than 48 hours without a run. But I figure my knees will thank me in 30 years if I stay out of this. And my wife will just plain not yell at me if I stay out of this today. Oh, for running (or not running) in the snow. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sooo very proud of you Liz! As Susie would tell me GAMBATTE!! Which means you can do it! in Japanese. She use to write it to me when I was out at sea having rough times... Good luck in VA-beach, I know your sisters will be there to help you along...